Friday, July 3, 2009

I'm not truly alone, I am choosing to be....

Alone. Some people are afraid of that word. Not me. I know that I am not alone. I have my friends and my family, so the word to me is a loose reference. I like to be by myself. I haven't had the time to think or to do my own thing in a long time. I have always used the line, I'm a loner Dottie, a rebel." That seems to be my justification, I'm a rebel. I do my own thing. When I choose to include others I do. I'm getting into sewing, teaching myself the "piano", and pretty much immersing myself into anything that is somewhat creative. BY MYSELF. You can't really share these things with anyone until the "product" is finished. Not cool to have someone up your ass while in the process of said things. I'm a work in progress.

I don't let too many people into my personal personal life. I edit certain things. Not necessarily the good parts as someone would say. I just pick and choose the subject matter and go on. Which brings me to my co workers. I love my job. Truly I do. I can be loud and somewhat obnoxious and they let me be. I tell them pretty much anything, but of course only said edited version. They think I am nuts. Which maybe I am. They tell me to write a book about my dating life. I would if I could. Not exactly writer/ book material. I have had some weird people I have dated. One never like the other. Well, maybe I could write a book of short stories....

I'll embark on that journey as soon as I find the perfect pair of shoes to go with my dress.

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